Cookies Policy

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1. Cookies and identification of devices

A cookie is a file that is downloaded on the user's computer/smartphone/tablet when accessing certain web pages to store and recover information about the browsing made on that equipment. Cookies are stored on the hard disk and your Internet browser can use them in the future. Using the configuration of your browser, you can allow or deny the storage of these types of file.

By accessing this web page you consent to the use of cookies by SERVICIOS Y CONCESIONES MARÍTIMAS IBICENCAS, S.A. and of third parties who offer advertising services.


SERVICIOS Y CONCESIONES MARÍTIMAS IBICENCAS, S.A. uses cookies on its web pages for the following purposes:

- Enabling and facilitating online reservations.
- Improving the usability of its web pages (recording your preferences)
- Performing statistical studies, without every keeping your individual information.
- Optimising the performance of its web pages.
- Knowing if the user has shown interest in any promotional campaign, so offering content developed for it.
- Facilitating browsing of web pages during new visits by recurrent visitors.

These cookies never contain personal information.

3. Third party cookies for advertising

We make use of technology provided by third parties to present promotional campaigns in other web pages of commercial partners with the aim of showing you information that may be of interest. We do not obtain any personal data from such information.
You can reject the storage of such cookies on your equipment by changing your browser configuration.
Third party cookies can be found on the pages of SERVICIOS Y CONCESIONES MARÍTIMAS IBICENCAS, S.A.:
- Google AdWords Conversion
- Google Analytics

4. Management of cookies by the user

There are many Internet web pages that can guide you on how to manage cookies in your browser. We offer here some samples of the most commonly used browsers:
Chrome, on 
Explorer, on cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
Firefox, on
Safari, on

5. Third party embedded contents on our pages

SERVICIOS Y CONCESIONES MARÍTIMAS IBICENCAS, S.A. uses contents such as photos from the website Flickr that may require the use of cookies. In these cases, SERVICIOS Y CONCESIONES MARÍTIMAS IBICENCAS, S.A. recommends that you consult the cookie management policy of these sites.

6. Web Beacons & Pixel tags

SERVICIOS Y CONCESIONES MARÍTIMAS IBICENCAS, S.A. and its agents may use Web Beacons and Pixel Tags on their electronic mail and HTML pages. These systems are not used to collect personal data except those that you may give us by performing transactions on our web page.
The function of these tools is to know if the user has viewed the email or the web page, and may be used to perform statistical treatment of this information.